martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

EA and BA


The EA and BA are very close

Chicago School of Business Architecture®


  • Business Architecture is about solving business problems and actionalizing new opportunities. It is about configuring the organization and management practices to best be able to execute its strategy and win in the marketplace. It is about an organization bringing all of its resources to bear in an intelligent, coordinated fashion to serve its customers profitably and beat its competitors.
  • Business Architecture involves all aspects of the organization that contribute to its ability to dominate its marketplace.
  • Business Architecture applies to all parts of the organization at all levels, and business design must include active participation from all parts and all levels of the organization.
  • The foundation principles of Business Architecture must be applicable to all organizations in all industries at all levels at all times in all circumstances. Governments, nonprofits, corporations, partnerships, LLCs, etc. are all treated equally.
  • Nothing is dependent on “all else being held constant,” a condition that never occurs in the real world of business.
  • There is no management situation in which it is acceptable to violate these foundation principles.
  • The ideal education for a Business Architect is a broad-scope MBA deep in market research, strategy, web design/technologies, analytics and decision support, a specialized education in Business Architecture, team leadership and practical experience working in a cross-organizational roles.
  • Business Architecture is a necessary skill for all business managers and leaders. As such, Business Architecture should be a core course in every Executive MBA program.
  • Business Architecture is a subset of the broader category of management consulting.
  • All Business Architects should have three critical areas of knowledge: customer, entrepreneurial finance and technology. Knowledge of what a customer wants, what they will pay for and how much they are willing to pay is critical to defining products, projects and services that will be successful in the marketplace and profitable to the company. Entrepreneurial finance enables Business Architects to evaluate the expected value and profitability of new initiatives, providing senior leaders with the information they need to make good approval decisions. Technology is advancing so quickly and causing constant and game-changing disruptions in the marketplace that it has become necessary to constantly be technology-aware. It is being said that you either lead with technology or become a victim of it.


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